Do you have questions about a donation? Please email us at donations@fishofwalton.org and put "Donation" in the subject line.
Please make your tax deductible gift out to FISH and mail to P.O. Box 1838, Monroe, GA 30655.​

Remember FISH in these ways:
Include FISH in Your Estate Plans
You can make a meaningful gift to FISH and enhance your future financial interests. These gifts are a vital source of support for us and may come in the form of cash, property or other assets in any amount you choose. These can be either outright or deferred gifts and can be made in a variety of ways depending on your needs. A financial advisor, our professional staff, or a qualified volunteer can help you determine the best planned gift for you and your family.
Gifts By Will
A will is the easiest and most effective means to ensure that you fully provide for your family and that your assets are distributed as you wish. Gifts by will, or bequests, both large and small, are important to the ministry of FISH
Life Income Gifts
There are many ways to make a gift of cash, securities or other marketable assets to FISH and retain life income for yourself, spouse and/or others -- with the remaining principal passing to FISH at the death of the last beneficiary (or, in some cases, after a term of years). Such gifts provide sustained income and tax deductions. When appreciated assets are used, taxes on gains may be avoided.
Retirement Plans
Naming FISH as a beneficiary for funds in a retirement plan can be easy. The person or financial institution handling your Individual Retirement Account, other retirement plan or profit-sharing account can help.
Appreciated Securities
Gifts of stocks, bonds and mutual funds make especially attractive contributions and may offer you capital gains tax incentives when they have been held long term. In addition, amounts up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income may be deducted for the year the gift is made; any excess can be deducted over the next five years. Securities may be transferred directly to FISH by your broker. For transfer information, please contact Cindy Little, FISH Executive Director at 770-207-4357
Real Estate or Property
Another way to avoid or delay capital gains tax is through a gift of real estate that has been held long term. A tax deduction for the fair market value of the property is also permitted equal to up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income. Donors are asked to complete a Real Property Disclosure Checklist prior to acceptance of the gift by FISH.
Life Insurance
Giving through life insurance can allow you to make a gift of assets you no longer need for your family's security. When a life insurance policy is transferred to FISH as a donation, the cash value of the policy can be deductible. You may also assign a policy's ownership to FISH and name FISH as irrevocable beneficiary. Subsequent premiums you pay are tax deductible. We are pleased to speak with your attorneys, trust officers, and advisors who might want information about particular language for wills or trust provisions. All inquiries are confidential and without obligation. For language to designate a gift or for information on estate planning benefiting FISH, please contact Cindy Little, FISH Executive Director at 770-207-4357
Memorial Gifts
Anyone wishing to give a memorial gift in memory of friends and family may do so. A memorial card is sent to the family and a card acknowledging your gift is sent to you for confirmation and receipt.
​Honorarium Gifts
Anyone wishing to give a honorarium gift may do so. A honorary card is sent to the recipient and a card of acknowledgement is sent to you for confirmation and receipt.