Other Ways You Can Support FISH
Did you know that FISH has an Ebay presence? You can support FISH directly by purchasing items from the fishofwalton Ebay store at the link below.
Ebay Purchases
There are a number of ways you can contribute to FISH that you may not have thought of, including Life Income Gifts, Memorial Gifts, and Gifts by Wills. To see a list of these types of donations or sponsorships, please click the button below.
There are many ways you can make a difference for FISH through your donations - from one-time or recurring donations to having a percentage of your purchases on Amazon donated to FISH. There are also ways you can donate through sponsorship. You can explore all of the options by going to the appropriate section below. If you would like to donate funds to FISH ministries, please know that 100% of your donation will go to assist those neighbors in Walton County in need. We are a 501(c)(3) and so all donations are also tax deductible.